
Here the small intestine is triggered in its mental sphere. For instance, if surgery has been performed and the organ escaped the pain, it may have divulged or darkened the aura under certain circumstances…(read more in the book)
Zu viel wissen wollen Entstehungsgeschichte Bewusstseinsschritte Zeit Raum Regie Urwald Komplexe Prozesse Weisheit Dankbarkeit Durchfall Dehydration Dünndarmtumore Enteritis Gastrinom Infektiöse Darmerkrankung Karzinoid Kurzdarmsyndrom Maldigestion Malassimilationssyndrom Meckel Divertikel Mesenterialvenenthrombose Morbus Crohn Morbus Whipple Zöliakie Darmpolypen Zwölffingerdarmgeschwür Rotavirus EHEC Infektion Cholera Ruhr Bewusstsein für die Weltenentstehung Respekt Vorbereitung Abwehr Gleichgewicht Harmonie Verdauung Verdauen Zu viel verstehen wollen
Here the small intestine is triggered in its mental sphere. For instance, if surgery has been performed and the organ escaped the pain, it may have divulged or darkened the aura under certain circumstances…(read more in the book)
Our bigger prints are available in 50cm x 60cm and 50cm x 70cm and are printed on high quality watercolor paper and will be sent to you from Germany. Our smaller prints called "Mint Print" are printed on photopaper and have a size of 10cm x 14.8cm. Due to the small print the writing on them might not be readable.
The texts on the printed version of the paintings are all in German keep that in mind when ordering.