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Every vampire probably dreams about lying under a blood shower as if he were in the land of plenty. He could simply open up his mouth and receive and would no longer have to bite! Accompanied by this GertieGan you will go into the blood room, where the flow of spiritual life occurs, where you will find joy and the fulfillment of your life’s work…(read more in the book)

Rejection of life Lifetime assignment Search for one’s lifetime assignment Missed opportunities Forgiveness Atonement Forgiving yourself Gratitude Apologize Guilt Karma Blood disease Coagulation Thrombocytes Reduction Development Time Closing a wound Lung Spleen Liver TAR syndrome Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome X chromosome Hematoma Petechial Jacobsen syndrome Chromosome 11 Blood platelets Proteins Morbus Gaucher Chromosome 1 Thrombocytopenia Infections Cellular Excess Lack of Clogging of vessels Loss of the spleen Accident Surgery Bone marrow diseases Morbus Werlhof Joy Enjoyment/quality of life Flow Flow of life Curiousness Fulfillment Mercy Forgiveness Forgiving something Apologize Being spontaneous Surprising way to handle something Crossing boundaries I-development Opposing something Spiritual Water Drinking Deposits

Every vampire probably dreams about lying under a blood shower as if he were in the land of plenty. He could simply open up his mouth and receive and would no longer have to bite! Accompanied by this GertieGan you will go into the blood room, where the flow of spiritual life occurs, where you will find joy and the fulfillment of your life’s work…(read more in the book)



Our bigger prints are available in 50cm x 60cm and 50cm x 70cm and are printed on high quality watercolor paper and will be sent to you from Germany. Our smaller prints called "Mint Print" are printed on photopaper and have a size of 10cm x 14.8cm. Due to the small print the writing on them might not be readable.

The texts on the printed version of the paintings are all in German keep that in mind when ordering.