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All degrees of burns Pigment dysfunctions Neurodermititis Sensitive skin Sensitivity Vulnerable Acne Pimples Blemished skin Curmudgeon
Grouchy Crankiness Merciless Relentless Callous Bulletproof Protection Skin color Albino Untouched Does not like to be touched Fear of touch Memories of the past Rosacea Dermatitis Phlegmons Erysipelas Measles Chicken pox Shingles Scabies Leishmaniosis Herpes It goes under my skin Itchy skin Sunburn Psoriasis Scabbing Pocks Hives

The skin is the top-most layer of humans and despite this fact, it is closely linked with everything. Thousands of cells reveal what’s on our insides; tells stories of times gone by. Selflessly, it protects our tissue, safeguards our tender nerves and silently assumes the role of the messenger while dancing with the blood – the greatest feat of all…(read more in the book)

The skin is the top-most layer of humans and despite this fact, it is closely linked with everything. Thousands of cells reveal what’s on our insides; tells stories of times gone by. Selflessly, it protects our tissue, safeguards our tender nerves and silently assumes the role of the messenger while dancing with the blood – the greatest feat of all…(read more in the book)





Our bigger prints are available in 50cm x 60cm and 50cm x 70cm and are printed on high quality watercolor paper and will be sent to you from Germany. Our smaller prints called "Mint Print" are printed on photopaper and have a size of 10cm x 14.8cm. Due to the small print the writing on them might not be readable.

The texts on the printed version of the paintings are all in German keep that in mind when ordering.