
This GertieGan will help the organ thrive – no matter what its development may look like. Nobody has a right to define what exactly it should look like. That’s why every boy and every man can become aware of himself with ease and be happy as well as satisfied with his testicles.…(read more in the book)
Cryptorchidism Twisted testicle Ego Egotism Adam Eve Banishment from paradise Wasting away Macho attitude Manhood Ability to love Development of love Dangling Advanced development Orchitis Epididymitis Testicular cancer Sarcoma of the testicles Gonads Sperm Testosterone Sexual hormone Testicular hernia Testicular aplasia Testicular agenesis Testicular cyst Testicular infarct Androgens Physical growth Storage Acceptance of self Creativity Interpersonal skills Beauty, expressed inside and outside Rituals Mumps
This GertieGan will help the organ thrive – no matter what its development may look like. Nobody has a right to define what exactly it should look like. That’s why every boy and every man can become aware of himself with ease and be happy as well as satisfied with his testicles.…(read more in the book)
Our bigger prints are available in 50cm x 60cm and 50cm x 70cm and are printed on high quality watercolor paper and will be sent to you from Germany. Our smaller prints called "Mint Print" are printed on photopaper and have a size of 10cm x 14.8cm. Due to the small print the writing on them might not be readable.
The texts on the printed version of the paintings are all in German keep that in mind when ordering.